Prohlášení o přístupnosti
(GOOGLE TRANSLATE) This web page (hereinafter presentations, web) was built in accordance with the Czech Rules of creating accessible site. Exceptions to this methodology are listed in Inaccessible section of the site. If you encounter a problem page, please, Please, our technical manager and try to problem solve.
Inaccessible parts of the site
Without JavaScript links do not work Bookmark & Print, however, can be printed via the browser\'s File menu => Print (or Ctrl + P). The source code meets the standard of presentation XHTML 1.0 Strict issued by the W3C. cascading style sheets meet the standard CSS level third
Customized viewing options
The presentation is available only in one (primary) style but some browsers support OFF / personalisování styles at different levels. Mozilla Firefox supports off style and user styles. Opera supports advanced handling styles including dozens of pre-designed templates.
Contact to technical
In case of emergency, you can send a message to our technical Administrators at the e-mail <a href = \ "mailto: \ \'> </a>.